The Belief Code

Unearth unwanted subconscious beliefs to free your mind, body, and spirit.

Remove negative belief systems in the subconscious mind and take energy balancing even deeper, with this groundbreaking new form of energy healing.

Our Core Belief System can dramatically impact how we perceive every aspect of our daily lives.  A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced.

Layers of a Belief System

There are four main layers of a Faulty Belief System, and these are addressed by the Belief Code. These are represented by a tree analogy:

Faulty Core Identity

The soil from which the tree grows
This is the origin story of the belief. These often begin when we are children and absorb the ideas around us without question, which become associated with our identity so closely, they may be unrecognisable to us

Faulty Core Belief

Roots of the tree
When a negative belief is reinforced, supported by other emotions, that belief grows and can even become additional beliefs. It spreads and compounds upon itself, becoming an intricate web of roots that becomes the belief system.

Limiting Belief

The trunk at the centre of the tree
This belief is likely to be something you believe about yourself or the world. You may not have any idea that thought was lingering in your subconscious mind

Negative Program

The outer branches and leaves produced by the tree
Negative programs are the result of the full belief system, producing automatic negative thoughts, and can be recognised as negative self-talk and negative mind chatter.

Ready to Let go of Unwanted Subconscious Beliefs?

Release negative beliefs and make room for new empowering thoughts!

To find and release your trapped energies, book a "Release It" session

You can easily schedule your appointment online or contact me directly for any further information